Submit New Deity!

From this page you can submit a new entry for the database of deities and creatures in this site. Please limit your contributions ONLY to entries known and already existing in the imaginary world of Dungeons and Dragons. Your contribution will remain pending waiting to be approved by Admin before being published.

If you wish (it is not obligatory) you can enter your nickname and your e-mail address; they will only be used to send you an alert when your contribution will be approved (or rejected).

Remember to always check, with the search tools, that the entity you want to insert is not already present in the database!

If instead you want to add information (or correct those present) in an existing entry, I ask you to do so by writing directly in the comments at the bottom of the entry page, or sending a report with the appropriate form (the one you can open at the bottom to the right). You can even register yourself here; once registered and approved, you can help modify entries and add new ones.

Thanks for any contribution that may enrich this database.

Fill in the form and submit a new entry

Feel free to enter your name/nickname.
Feel free to enter your email address. Will be used to alert you when your submission is accepted/rejected.
Entity main name. Place between brackets () other alias names of the entity. Ex: "Chemosh (Orkrust, Khemax)"
Enter entity's STATUS (Greater God, Demigod, Demon Prince, Dragon King, etc...)
Enter entity's previous STATUS (Greater God, Demigod, Demon Prince, Dragon King, etc...)
If immortal form Mystara, add IMMORTAL STATUS (Initiate, Temporal, Celestial, Empyreal, Eternal, Hierarch)
Add numerical value indicating entity's actual Divine Rank (from 0 to 21+)
Enter entity's actual alignment with the two-letters code (LN - LE - LG - NE - NG – N - CE - CN - CG)
Enter entity's previous alignments with the two-letters code (LN - LE - LG - NE - NG – N - CE - CN - CG)
Enter entity's GENDER (male - female - both - unknown)
Enter varius titles or epithets related to the entity
enter entity's pantheon or mythological affiliation
Enter portfolio terms, such as associated competenxe areas or patronized classes / creatures
Deity's specific domains (Death, Nature, War, Law, Chaos, Air, etc...)
If immortal from Mystara, specific the Sphere of affiliation (Time, Thought, Matter, Energy, Entropy)
Enter entity's worshippers, such as groups, populations, races
Enter typical worshippers alignments (LN - LE - LG - NE - NG – N - CE - CN - CG)
Enter a brief description of the entity's symbol
Enter known plane and/or realm of entity's residence
Enter thePrimary world of entity's influence and worship (Dark Sun, Toril, etc...)
Choose if the entity, at a certain point of a certain timeline, is known as deceased
Enter one or more Game Settings featuring the entity (Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Planescape, Birthright, Spelljammer, etc...)
Enter sources containing material about the entity, such as published manuals, website pages, unofficial material ...
Enter Dungeons and Dragons editions featuring the entity (OD&D, aD&D 2e, D&D 3.5, D&D 5e, etc...)
ACCEPT TO CONTINUE. You are about to submit a new entry SUGGESTION to be added into D&D Deities Database. Your draft submission will be controlled and, if considered a valuable add, will be approved. It is not required, but you can submit a name and an e-mail to identify yourself. Those informations will be used only to send you an automatic response when your submission will be approved or rejected.